Transmitted through the channel of Cathy during the TDA meeting – May 25, 2024
Every thought of love is like a tender embrace of suffering hearts.
It is from suffering that anger is born, which turns into hatred and a desire for revenge.
Beings who exploit others for their own interest are in suffering.
From hatred comes hatred, and only love dissolves these crystallizations that blind and tarnish souls.
If we ask you to send love, it is not a "sentimental" message for a few enlightened people seeking to escape the reality of this world. It is a peaceful weapon far more powerful than any other!
Warriors of Light, listen to the moans of suffering souls and work tirelessly! Touching hearts, bringing wisdom and peace.
Without judgment, without anger, be the transformers of harmful waves into waves of Love.
The shift approaches! Honor your celestial contract to bring Love into this world. And receive all universal blessings.
You are beings on a journey, you have learned much from your own life experiences.
At the core of your incarnation is an important decision you made to transcend all your karmic debts and memories during your life, in order to return to pure Light.
You chose to serve the Light, even before this incarnation.
During your time in the Beyond, you signed many contracts with other souls, but you also signed a contract with the Source. This is why you were often served certain dishes, not always edible or digestible. This is why you agreed to be challenged by trials, difficulties, rejections, and betrayals, to achieve this balance in your karma. For it is in this different energy, which is yours today - for the great majority of you - that you can, consciously, transmit love. As has been said, this is not just a "sentimental" message like: we are in Universal Love. This Love is very powerful and is more indispensable than ever.
You accepted this contract, you accepted to be, as much as possible, in this Love, even if it fluctuates, if it shakes you, we are aware of this. But have you noticed how very quickly now you manage to return to your heart, to your centre? There is a great difference, and if you pay attention to this, even when you are shaken, you will say that it does not matter, because you will return very quickly to your centre, and it is through it that Love flows. And when Love flows, you can transmit it, but you also receive it in turn. Everything you transmit, you receive.
At the beginning of 2024, we mentioned that this year was special, in the sense of harvesting what has been sown. Of course, depending on the seeds that were sown, it has not always been very simple at the beginning of this year. But you have also sown so many seeds of Light, seeds of awakening, seeds of Love that you can see all these harvests within you, you can receive them in different ways, and you deserve them.
But it is not over, you know how much the Earth and humanity need this peaceful weapon to counter all the hatred and violence. This energy, which vibrates much faster than the opposite energy, has a greater capacity for diffusion. A positive energy, a positive emotion, whether it is love, joy, or gratitude, is worth 40/50 times more than the opposite emotions.
With the transmissions of Love, imagine all that this will transform in the human heart, in the heart of humanity, and the more of you there are, the more significant the reactions will be. We are in an extraordinary period where you can consciously experience your role as a servant of Love, receive very quick feedback on what you give, but also on what you think and feel. Sometimes the feedback is not pleasant, that is true, but it allows you once again to quickly return to your centre. This is truly a very different, special period, one that has never existed in this way on Earth. And there are so many of us with you, so many encouraging you, so many holding your hand, so many sometimes getting to know what you are really going through when you accept to welcome us into your aura, because we often hear you say: "from up there, it’s not the same, come to Earth to realize what we are experiencing." We know and we are compassionate, for yes, there are trials and sufferings, we are aware of that as well. But we are a united team, we are a united family, when one of you is in difficulty, many of us come to help. You are never abandoned; you are never alone.
We thank you for participating in these various works that have been developed by the Collective of Light and Universal for the Earth, for the human, for the living, for humanity.
You can participate from your home, at a time that suits you best, and you can join other brothers and sisters of Light and nourish yourself from your shared experiences as well. When many of you participate, as during the previous general mobilizations, you can truly feel this cohesion, this reunited family of Light. You can feel this world of Love superimposed on the current world, in which this Love will spread widely and allow the awakening of many people who are still asleep.
In Love and Gratitude
At the Sacred Site
In the energy of this place, you are bathed in all the higher energies that you need for yourself, but also to transmit to the world. When you are in this state of receptivity and openness, there are no more filters, no interference, and these energies will surround your own darker areas to transmute them into Light. The energetic fluctuations on Earth are very significant; you know and feel this. It is of utmost importance that you frequently return to your heart by reconnecting to your centre. You can do this by connecting, even remotely, to the Sacred Tree, to the incarnated Source.
All of this is given to you out of Love; you are beloved beings. Sometimes you forget this, but God takes care of each one of you with Love, through Love. Now, allow yourself to be completely immersed in this energy of Love.