May love be your reason for living!
May love be your shield!
May love be your springboard!
May love be within you!
For with love, you will not risk losing your way.
Love, which is nothing but the pure energy of the Source, the pure energy of the creation of your souls, is so gentle and strong at the same time. It is within you.
Some beings repel this energy of Light. They are afraid of it. They fear losing control. By pushing away love, the Light, they push away their soul. These human beings, upon receiving these seeds of awakening, of love, which we have already widely distributed yesterday, can finally accept that they do not need to dominate, that they too can feel the vibrations of all these energies of their soul, without which they are incomplete.
Today we are continuing this important mobilization of Light to transmit even more energy that will inspire the desire to know true love, the Source, the Earth, all of creation in its purity, in the sacred.
By agreeing to collaborate, as you do – and we thank you again infinitely – you too receive, for you too need this energy to fill your heart and your entire being even more.
The Earth already feels a significant difference in the attention that humans give to her.
Let us continue together to seed Love.
Transmitted by the channel of Cathy/Hinri